Staff Chat

This functionality requires the DiscordSRV plugin

You can use the discord integration plugin to setup a staff-chat channel and synchronize messages between in-game and discord chat. To do so you must have the DiscordSRV bot configured as described here: Once this is setup you can start setting up Staff++ Discord.

Discord setup

Go into Discord and create a new channel. The channel name can be whatever you want.

Go ahead an grab the channel id by right clicking on the channel name and selecting copy id:

DiscordSRV Configuration

Open the config.yml file of the DiscordSRV plugin. Add your channel id to the channels array. The identifier inside the array must be "staffplusplus-staffchat".

Channels: { "global": "000000000000000000", "staffplusplus-staffchat": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}

Staff++ Discord Configuration

Open the config.yml of the Staff++ plugin. And enable staffchat sync.

    # message format is no longer supported. 
    # Instead you must configure the format using DiscordSRV
    message-format: '&9&l(discord) &7%text%'
    sync: true

That's it! Restart your server and you will be see that message in game get displayed inside your discord channel and vice versa.

Example messages

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