Staff Modules

When entering staff mode the player's hot bar gets replaced with "Staff Items" these are special items which execute actions when used. Every item is listed as a staff mode module inside the configuration

Compass module

The name of this module is a bit strange as it is named after the item rather then the action it performs. When this module item is clicked, it launches the staff towards the direction they are facing. It's an easy way to move very fast across the world.


  enabled: true
  slot: 1
  item: COMPASS
  name: "&4Launcher"
  lore: "&7Launches you towards the, &7location you are facing."
  # The velocity at which a player will be launched.
  velocity: 5

Random Teleport module

This module teleports you to a player on the server. Either randomly or round robin. Could be used for when staff are patrolling.

  enabled: true
  slot: 2
  item: ENDEREYE
  name: "&cRandom Teleport"
  lore: "&7Teleports you to a random player."
  # Whether or not actual pseudo-randomness will be used.
  # If set to false, "random" teleport will just cycle through players in order.
  random: false

Vanish module

Allows players to turn vanish mode on/off using the item. Underneath this does exactly the same as the vanish command.

    enabled: true
    slot: 3
    item: INK:10
    name: "&6Vanish"
    lore: "&7Toggles your total vanish."
    # The type of item for when vanish is disabled.
    item-off: INK:8

GUI module

The GUI item opens the Staff++ GUI. It contains a GUI which allows you to manage reports, view bans mutes. Mostly you won't want to touch this unless if you want to change some of the translations or want to remove items from the GUI

  enabled: true
  slot: 4
  item: PAPER
  name: "&eGUI Hub"
  lore: "&7Opens the GUI hub."

  # Reports GUI
  reports-gui: true
  reports-title: "&bUnresolved reports"
  my-reports-title: "&bReports assigned to you"
  closed-reports-title: "&bClosed reports"
  reports-name: "&bUnresolved reports GUI"
  reports-lore: "&7Shows all open reports."
  my-reports-lore: "&7Shows reports currently assigned to you."
  closed-reports-lore: "&7History of all closed reports."

  # Miner GUI. Show players below a certain y level
  miner-gui: true
  miner-title: "&bUnderground users"
  miner-name: "&bMiner GUI"
  miner-lore: "&7Shows all players under the set Y value."
  # The y-level at which a player will be marked as a miner.
  xray-level: 16

  # Protected Areas GUI
  protected-areas-gui: true
  protected-areas-title: "&bOverview protected areas"
  protected-areas-name: "&bProtected Areas GUI"
  protected-areas-lore: "&7Shows all currently set protected areas."

  # Banned players GUI
  ban-gui: true
  ban-title: "&bOverview banned players"
  ban-name: "&bBanned players GUI"
  ban-lore: "&7Shows all currently banned players."

  # Muted players GUI
  mute-gui: true
  mute-title: "&bOverview muted players"
  mute-name: "&bMuted players GUI"
  mute-lore: "&7Shows all currently muted players."

Counter module

The name of this module is again a bit strange as it does not represent the action it holds. When clicking on the item it opens a GUI showing all Staff members currently online.

  enabled: true
  slot: 5
  item: HEAD
  name: "&aStaff List"
  lore: "&7Shows all staff online and in staff mode"
  title: "&bCurrent staff online"

  # Whether or not the head item count will represent online staff or staff in staff mode.
  show-staff-mode: false

Freeze module

When clicking on a player with this item he will get frozen, clicking him again will unfreeze him.

  enabled: true
  slot: 6
  item: BLAZE_ROD
  name: "&2Freeze"
  lore: "&7Toggles freeze for the clicked player."

  # Whether or not a player can chat while frozen.
  chat: true

  # Whether or not a player is able to damage or be damaged while frozen.
  damage: false

  # The interval, in seconds, at which a frozen player will be reminded that they are frozen.
  # Disable by setting to zero.
  timer: 5

  # The sound that is played to the player when warned.
  # Set to "NONE" to disable.
  sound: ORB_PICKUP

  # Whether or not a GUI prompt will open up with a paper containing the freeze message.
  prompt: false

  # The title of the frozen prompt GUI.
  prompt-title: "&bFrozen"
  # A comma separated list of commands that should be 
  # executed when a players disconnected while he is frozen
  logout-commands: "ban %player%"
  # Determines if a player will see a title on his screen when frozen
  # The title message can be changed through the lang files (freeze-title, freeze-subtitle properties)
  title-message-enabled: true

CPS module

When clicking a player with this item, Staff++ will start recording how many clicks per second that player is executing. Useful for finding players who are using an autoclicker.

  enabled: true
  slot: 7
  item: CLOCK
  name: "&3CPS"
  lore: "&7Runs a click per second test on, &7the player that was clicked."

  # Amount of time, in seconds, that the test will run for.
  time: 10

  # The maximum allowed amount of CPS. If a result contains this amount or more, it will be significantly marked.
  max: 16.0

Examine module

When clicked on a player with this item, the examine GUI will open. This GUI contains the player's info like IP, game mode, notes and so on.

You can configure what exactly is displayed inside the GUI. To disable a certain info-line, give it the value 0

NOTE: ping is not working

  enabled: true
  slot: 8
  item: CHEST
  name: "&bExamine"
  lore: "&7Inspects the inventory of the player that was clicked."

  # The title of the examine GUI.
  title: "&bExamine inventory"

  # The configuration of the final line of the examine GUI.
  # Set the slot of a node to zero to disable it.
  # Remember that the maximum amount of allowed items within this line is nine!
    # Food and hunger information.
    food: 1

    # IP address information.
    ip-address: 2

    # Ping information.
    ping: 3

    # Gamemode and flight information.
    gamemode: 4

    # Infractions information.
    infractions: 5

    # Location information and teleport button.
    location: 6

    # Player "notes" button.
    notes: 7

    # Freeze button
    freeze: 8

    # Warn button.
    warn: 9

Follow module

When clicking on a player you will mount the player. Effectively being tied to him.

  enabled: true
  slot: 9
  item: LEAD
  name: "&9Follow"
  lore: "&7Mounts the player that was clicked."

Last updated

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