All permission nodes can be custom configured inside the config.yml file
name | default permission node | Description |
alerts-alt-detect | staff.alerts.alt-detects | Permission for receiving alt detect alerts. |
alt-detect-bypass | staff.staffplus.alt-detect-bypass | Permission for allowing players to bypass being detect by alt account detection |
alt-detect-whitelist | staff.staffplus.alt-detect-whitelist | Permission to add/remove players from the alt detection whitelist |
banning/tempbanning | staff.staffplus.ban | Permission for banning or temporarily banning a player |
unban | staff.staffplus.unban | Permission for unbanning a player |
ban-bypass | staff.staffplus.ban-bypass | Permission for bypassing being banned |
blacklist | staff.blacklist | Permission for bypassing the word blacklist. |
block | staff.block | Permission for blocking listed commands at "blocked-commands" and "blocked-mode-commands". |
broadcast | staff.staffplus.broadcast | Permission for sending broadcast messages |
chat-clear | | Permission for using / chat clear . |
chat-slow | | Permission for using / chat slow . |
chat-toggle | | Permission for using / chat toggle . |
compass | staff.compass | Permission for using the staff mode compass |
counter | staff.counter | Permission for the staff mode counter GUI |
counter-show-vanished | staff.counter-show-vanished | Permission to show if staff members are vanished in the counter GUI |
cps | staff.cps | Permission for initializing clicks per second tests |
examine | staff.examine | Permission for using examine |
examine-modify | staff.examine.modify | Permission for editing inventories with examine. |
follow | staff.follow | Permission for using staff mode follow |
freeze | staff.freeze | Permission for using freeze. |
freeze-bypass | staff.freeze.bypass | Permission for bypassing freeze. |
gui | staff.gui | Permission for the staff mode GUI hub |
infractions.view | staff.infractions.view | Permission to open the infractions GUI |
invClear | staff.staffplus.clearinv | Permission for using the clear inventory config |
ipPerm | staff.staffplus.hideip | Use this for players who's ip should not be shown in examine mode |
lockdown | staff.lockdown | Permission for locking/unlocking the server. |
member | staff.member | Permission for being noted as a staff member in the staff list command and for login. This also excludes the player from being randomly teleported to! |
mention | staff.alerts.mention | Permission for receiving mention alerts. |
mode | staff.mode | Permission for toggling staff mode. |
muting/tempmuting a player | staff.staffplus.mute | Permission to mute/tempmute a player |
unmute | staff.staffplus.unmute | Permission to unmute a player |
mute-bypass | staff.staffplus.mute-bypass | Permission for bypassing being muted |
name-change | staff.alerts.namechange | Permission for receiving name change alerts. |
protect-area | staff.staffplus.protect-area | Permission for toggling protection over a certain area |
protect-player | staff.staffplus.protect-player | Permission for toggling damage protection over a player |
random-teleport | staff.random-teleport | Permission for using the staff mode random teleport |
report | Permissions listed here | |
resetPass | staff.staffplus.resetpassword | Permission for using the /resetPassword command |
revive | staff.revive | Permission for giving a player's previous inventory back. |
staff-chat | staff.staffchat | Permission for using staff chat. |
staffplus | staff.staffplus | Permission for using |
strip | staff.strip | Permission for using |
teleport-to-location | staff.teleport-to-location | Permission for teleporting a player to predefined locations. |
teleport-to-player | staff.teleport-to-player | Permission for teleporting to a specific player. |
teleport-bypass | staff.teleport-bypass | Permission for bypassing teleport. |
teleport-here | staff.teleport-here | Permission for teleporting players to your location. |
tickets | | Permission for managing tickets. |
vanish-list | staff.vanish.list | Permission for using / v list . |
vanish-total | | Permission for using / v total . |
Warnings | Permissions listed here. | |
wild-card | staff.* | Use this to give a player all Staff+ permissions. Take note that this will NOT give the player the "block" permission. This also gives the player permission to toggle other player's vanish, staff mode, and etc. |
xray | staff.alerts.xray | Permission for receiving xray alerts. |
Last updated