
Staff++ overrides the default ban command with its own ban command. Next to the permanent ban command it also adds the tempban command. With every ban a reason must be given why this player is getting banned.


  # Whether or not the plugin will use Staff++ "/ban" features.
  enabled: true


The discord integration plugin supports notifying to a discord channel whenever a player gets banned/unbanned.


Permanent banning

/ban [player] [reason]

/ban playername He was bothering me

Temporary banning

/tempban [player] [amount] [unit] [reason]

/tempban playername 15 MINUTE He was bothering me

The duration of the tempban is specified by [amount] [unit]

Amount must be a positive number > 0 and unit must be one of the following:



  • HOUR

  • DAY

  • WEEK


  • YEAR


/unban [player] [reason]

/unban playername We are friends now

Showing ban reason on ban/rejoin

If you want banned players can see the reason why they are banned you can edit the kick message in the lang files:

ban-tempbanned-kick: "[Banned] You have been temporarily banned from this server. Ban ends in: %duration%"
ban-permabanned-kick: "[Banned] You have been permanently banned from this server"

You can use the placeholder %reason% to add a reason to the kick message.

Another plugin is overriding the /ban, /tempban, /unban

It is possible that another plugin like 'essentialsx' might get priority over the ban, tempban and unban command. To prevent this we suggest the same solution as is proposed by EssentialsX.

Configure your server aliases in such a way that the ban commands from Staff++ will always be used. This can be done by editing the commands.yml file and specifying your aliases there.

To enable Staff++ ban commands this would be done in this way:

    - "staffplus:ban $1-"
    - "staffplus:tempban $1-"
    - "staffplus:unban $1-"

More info on the bukkit wiki


Banned players can be listed and unbanned through the gui hub.

// TODO add screenshots

Last updated

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