Multi Server Setup

You need a shared MySQL database to use this feature.

Staff++ added the ability to synchronize multiple features over a multiple servers. This guide will explain you how to easily set this up.

Step 1: installation

Install Staff++ on every server that you want to be synced. No plugin is needed for the bungee server.

Step 2: Database

Configure the database connection inside the configuration file.

  type: 'mysql'
    host: 'localhost'
    user: 'root'
    database: 'root'
    password: 'mypass'
    port: 3306

You must configure mysql to synchronize the servers. Every Staff++ instance must be configured to use the same database

Step 3: Server name


Search for the property: server-name inside the configuration file. The server name should be unique for every server. Every server running Staff++ must configure this with a different name. If you are running a minecraft server network make sure to give this property the same name as the server name used by the network.

I recommend keeping the server-name property alphanumeric. Underscore, dashes and spaces can be used.

Step 4: Server synchronization config


Look for the following section in the configuration file.

    vanish-sync: false
    staffmode-sync: false
    ban-sync: false
    report-sync: false
    warning-sync: false
    mute-sync: false
    kick-sync: false

All these properties can be disabled and enabled at any time without impacting previous data. However a restart of the server is required after changing these.


Allows a player to remain vanished when switching between servers. No join and leave message will be displayed.


Allows a staff member to keep his staff mode when switching between servers.

To use this you must set the properties enable-on-login and disable-on-logout underneath the staff-mode section, to false


When enabled players will get banned on every server having staff++ installed. If disabled the player is only banned on the server where the ban was initiated. This also impacts the Staff GUI. When enabled the staff GUI shows all banned players from all servers. If disabled you only see the banned players on the current server.


When enabled, the GUI reports shows all reports a player has made on whatever server the report was created. The infractions GUI will also include players who got reported on other servers


When enabled warning thresholds will be calculated based on player warnings from across all servers. If disabled only warnings from the current server are taken into account. The list of warnings retrieved shows either all warnings from a player or only the warnings issued from the current server.


When enabled players will get muted on every server having staff++ installed. If disabled the player is only muted on the server where the mute was initiated. This also impacts the Staff GUI. When enabled the staff GUI shows all muted players from all servers. If disabled you only see the muted players on the current server.


This impacts the infractions Staff GUI. When enabled the staff GUI shows all kicks a player has received from all servers. If disabled you only see the kicks the player has received from the current server.

Last updated

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