
Staff++ kept the same alerting system that was already present in the old Staff+ plugin. Using this system staff members can subscribe to be notified when certain events happen. The notification is done through a message send in-game. If the staff member is not online he will miss the notification.


# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                        Alerts                        | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Requires "permissions.notify" permission.
  # Whether or not staff will be notified when a user changes their name.
  name-notify: true
  name-notify-console: false
  name-notify-bungee: ''

  # Whether or not staff will be notified when they are mentioned.
  mention-notify: true
  mention-notify-console: false
  mention-notify-bungee: ''

  # Whether or not staff will be notified when the chat module detect phrases.
  chat-phrase-detection: true
  chat-phrase-detection-console: false

  # Whether or not staff will be notified when the command-detection gets triggered.
  command-detection: true
  command-detection-console: false

  # Whether or not staff will be notified when the command-detection gets triggered.
  blacklist-detection: true
  blacklist-detection-console: false
  blacklist-notify-bungee: ''

  # The sound that is played to staff when notified.
  sound: ORB_PICKUP

  # Notifies staff when a player mines blocks listed in "blocks".
    # Whether or not this module is enabled.
    enabled: true
    console: false
    notify-bungee: ''
    # Block type that, when mined, will invoke an alert.

      enabled: true
      console: false
      # Trust levels for which an alert should be triggered
      trust-levels: FAIRLY_POSITIVE;POSITIVE

Enable all the alerts you want to be able to have your staff members receive.

Subscribing to alerts

A staff member can subscribe to or unsubscribe from these events manually using the /alerts [type] command.

Keep in mind a staff member can only receive an alert if he has the correct permission.

  # Permission for managing the alerts you will get
  alerts: "staff.staffplus.alerts"
  # Permission for receiving mention alerts.
  mention: "staff.alerts.mention"
  # Permission for receiving name change alerts.
  name-change: "staff.alerts.namechange"
  # Permission for receiving xray alerts.
  xray: "staff.alerts.xray"
  # Permission for receiving alt detect alerts.
  alerts-alt-detect: "staff.alerts.alt-detects"

Bypassing triggering alerts

View the bypass permissions on the permissions page

Sending over bungee.

Some alerts can be send over the bungee network. For example:

blacklist-notify-bungee: '[ALL]'

You either provided a ; separate list of server names. Or [ALL] if you want to send the alerts to all server in the network.


(Un)Subscribe yourself to alt account detection alerts

/alerts ALT_DETECT

Last updated

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