All commands can be custom configured inside the configuration/commands.yml file
To disable a command completely edit the commands.yml and provide an empty '' value for that command.
############################################################# +------------------------------------------------------+ ## | Commands | ## +------------------------------------------------------+ ############################################################## All commands and their according names.# Leave a command blank to disable it.staffplus: ["staffplusplus"]# The command for toggling staff mode.staff-mode: ["staff"]# The command for toggling fly while in staff mode.staff-mode-fly: ["sfly"]# The command opening the StaffHub GUIstaff-hub: ["staffhub"]# The command for toggling freeze on players.freeze: ["freeze"]# The command sending messages on a freeze ["fc"]# The command for teleporting a player to predefined locationsteleport-to-location: ["teleportToLocation"]# The command for teleporting a player back to a previous locationteleport-back: ["teleportBack"]# The command for teleporting yourself to another playerteleport-to-player: ["teleportToPlayer"]# The command for teleporting a player to your locationteleport-here: ["teleportHere"]# The command for examining players' inventoryexamine: ["examine"]# The command for reading notes.notes: ["notes"]# The command for creating player notesnote: ["note"]private-note: ["pnote"]# The command for running a clicks per second test on a playercps: ["cps"]# The command for opening the my reports guimy-reports: ["my-reports"]# The command for reporting and managing ["report"]players: ["players"]# The command for reporting and managing reports specifically targeting a player.reportPlayer: ["reportPlayer"]reports:chat: ["rc"]manage:#Command to open the manage reports guigui: ["manage-reports"]gui-find-reports: ["find-reports"]# The command for managing reports specifically targeting a player.cli: ["reports"]teleport-to-report: ["teleport-to-report"]investigations.manage:start: ["investigate"]pause: ["pause-investigation"]conclude: ["conclude-investigation"]gui: ["manage-investigations"]add-note: ["inote"]# The command for warning playerswarn: ["warn"]# The command for warning and managing warnings.warns: ["warns"]warnings.manage:#Command to open the manage warnings guigui: ["manage-warnings"]#Command to open the manage warnings guiappealed-gui: ["manage-appealed-warnings"]# The command for opening the my warnings guimy-warnings: ["my-warnings"]# The command for toggling vanish modes.vanish: ["vanish"]# The command for chat ["chat"]# The command for creating and managing tickets.ticket: ["ticket"]# The command for alerts management.alerts: ["alerts"]# The command for toggling player following.follow: ["follow"]# The command for reviving players.revive: ["revive"]# The command for listing staff members.staff-list: ["personnel"]# The command for logging in.login: ["login"]# The command for registering a password.register: ["register"]# The command for stripping a player's armor.strip: ["strip"]# The command for clearing a players inventoryclearInv: ["clear"]# The command to start/stop tracing a playertrace: ["trace"]# The command to view a players ender chestechest_view: ["eview"]# The command to broadcast a message over all serversbroadcast: ["broadcast"]# The command to toggle protection of a playerprotect-player: ["protectPlayer"]# The command to create/delete a protected areaprotect-area: ["protectArea"]bans.manage:gui: ["manage-bans"]appealed-gui: ["manage-appealed-bans"]# The command to permanently ban a playerban: ["ban"]bans-migrate: ["bans-migrate"]# The command to temporarily ban a playertempban: ["tempban"]extendban: ["ban-extend"]reduceban: ["ban-reduce"]# The command to unban a playerunban: ["unban"]# The command to kick a playerkick: ["kick"]# The command to permanently mute a playermute: ["mute"]mutes.manage:gui: ["manage-mutes"]appealed-gui: ["manage-appealed-mutes"]# The command for opening the my mutes guimy-mutes: ["my-mutes"]# The command to temporarily mute a playertempmute: ["tempmute"]extendmute: ["mute-extend"]reducemute: ["mute-reduce"]# The command to unmute a playerunmute: ["unmute"]# The command to unban a playeralt-detect-whitelist: ["altWhitelist"]# The command to unban a playeralt-detect-check: ["altCheck"]# The command to view the infractions of a playerinfractions-view: ["infractions"]# The command to view the players with the most infractionsinfractions-top-view: ["infractions-top"]webui:register: ["register"]ipban:ban: ["ipban"]tempban: ["iptempban"]unban: ["ipunban"]bancheck: ["ipban-check"]ipbans: ["ipbans"]migrate: ["ipbans-migrate"]ips:clear-ips: ["clear-ips"]choice-action: ["choice-action"]show-style-info: ["show-style-info"]chatchannels:join: ["join-channel"]leave: ["leave-channel"]close: ["close-channel"]staff-locations:create: ["create-stafflocation"]view: ["stafflocations"]teleport-to-stafflocation: [ "teleport-to-stafflocation" ]
Every command in staff++ can have a cooldown. This is purely permission based.
If you want to enforce a cooldown, the player needs the cooldown permission.
The permissions is the following:
So for example if I want to enforce a cooldown on the report command I assign the following permission to the players:
This enforces a 30 second cooldown.
Cooldowns are not enforced across servers in a multi server setup. Restarting the server resets all cooldowns.
Staff++ supports an argument system which can be used to enhance the default commands. We list below the arguments we currently support. In the commands table you can see which commands can use which arguments
-T Teleport
Teleport let's us enhance a command by teleporting the target to a predefined location. You can setup locations in the configuration file. See Locations
Example: /freeze player1 -Tspawn
Description: Teleports player1 to the predefined location "spawn" and immediately freezes him.
-S Strip
-S does the same as the strip command: Takes off the player's armor and places it in his inventory. If there are no free spaces left in the player's inventory the armor is not taken off.
Example: /freeze player1 -S
Description: Freezes the player and strips his armor.
-H Health
Sets the player's health to the given percentage.
Example: /freeze player1 -H100
Description: Freezes the player and gives the player full health.
-D Delay a command
When provided with a base command. The command will be delayed until the player joins the server. This is useful when we want to for example clear the inventory of a player, but he's offline. With the -D argument we can still run the 'clear' command. It will not be executed immediately, but it will be executed the next time the player joins the server.
Example: /clear player1 -D
Description: Clear the players inventory the next time he joins the server
Another plugin is overriding the a staff++ command
It is possible that another plugin like 'essentialsx' might get priority over the staff++ command. To prevent this we suggest the same solution as is proposed by EssentialsX.
Configure your server aliases in such a way that the commands from Staff++ will always be used. This can be done by editing the commands.yml file and specifying your aliases there.
To enable Staff++ commands this would be done in this way. The below example is for the staff++ ban commands