Following messages are available for the ip banning system in the lang files:
message | Description | placeholders |
ipbans.prefix | Prefix for every ip ban message in chat | |
ipbans.permabanned | The message send to all players that can receive ipban notifications when a permanent ip ban has been added | %issuer%, %ip% |
ipbans.tempbanned | The message send to all players that can receive ipban notifications when a temporary ip ban has been added | %issuer%, %ip% %duration% |
ipbans.unbanned | The message send to all players that can receive ipban notifications when an ip ban has been removed | %issuer%, %ip% |
permabanned-kick | The message a player sees when he gets kicked from the server as a result from a permanent ip ban | %issuer%, %ip% |
tempbanned-kick | The message a player sees when he gets kicked from the server as a result from a temporary ip ban | %issuer%, %ip% %duration% |
Last updated