
Staff++ added an investigation module. You can start investigating players, takes notes and link evidence to the investigation. Once finished the investigation must be concluded.


    enabled: true
    allow-offline-investigation: false
    # How many investigations can be conducted on one player at a time.
    # By default only one investigation can be ongoing for one player
    max-concurrent-investigations: 1
    # When enabled investigations will automatically be paused 
    # when the player under investigation leaves the server.
    automatic-pause: true
            # Player under investigation has a constant message in his action bar. 
            title-message-enabled: true
            # Player under investigation has a constant message in his action bar.
            chat-message-enabled: true
    # Run commands whenever an investigation open/pauses/isConcluded        
    start-investigation-commands: []
    conclude-investigation-commands: []
    pause-investigation-commands: []
    # When set to true, staff mode will be enabled when starting an investigation.
    # When disabling staff mode during an investigation, your investigation will be paused.
    enforce-staff-mode: true
    # Optional property, if set, enforce a specific staff mode during investigations.
    staff-mode: Investigator



Manage investigation

Staff members can view an overview of all investigations.

Linking evidence

Staff++ allows you to link certain infractions to an investigation.

Currently following infractions can be linked to investigations:

  • Reports

  • Mutes

  • Bans

  • Warnings

Developers can also link any other kind of evidence using the Developer API

Taking notes

Players can add notes to an investigation.

Last updated