Staff Mode

Staff mode is one of the biggest features in Staff+ & Staff++. It allows a staff member to enter a mode in which he gets extra privileges so that he/she can go patrolling around. Staff++ introduced the option of multiple staff modes.


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All staff modes are configured inside theconfiguration/staffmode/modes.yml config file.

Basic configuration

The part below contains the basic settings for the staff mode. Be default there is only one staff mode called "default". You're allowed to change this mode but you can not delete it. All other staff modes that you might configure extend from the default mode.

        block-manipulation: false
        inventory-interaction: true
        silent-chest-interaction: false
        item-drop: false
        item-pickup: false
        vanish-type: TOTAL
        vanish-on-enter: true
        invincible: true
        damage: false
        hunger-loss: false
        flight: true
        creative: false
        night-vision: false
        original-location: false
        disable-on-logout: false
        enable-on-login: false
        disable-on-world-change: false
        enable-commands: []
        disable-commands: []
        initial-item-states: []
            - compass-module:1
            - random-teleport-module:2
            - vanish-module:3
            - gui-module:4
            - counter-module:5
            - freeze-module:6
            - cps-module:7
            - examine-module:8
            - follow-module:9
            - player-details-module:10

Enable/Disable commands

Moved to Command hooks

Mode Options

Last updated