
Allows players to vanish.


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    # Whether or not the plugin will use "/v" features.
    enabled: true

    # Whether or not list vanish will hide the vanished users from tab list.
    # Does not completely hide players in tab for 1.7 versions.
    tab-list: true

    # Whether or not list vanish users will be shown as "away" or "offline" in the staff list.
    show-away: false

    # Whether or not user should be shown in command tab-complete suggestions.
    suggestions: false

    # Whether or not chat can be used when vanished.
    chat: false

    # Whether or not to show a message on screen telling the staff member his vanish is enabled
    vanish-message-enabled: true

    # Whether or not to show a bossbar on screen telling the staff member his vanish is enabled
    vanish-bossbar-enabled: false

    # Default vanish mode. Gets used when using the vanish the command without arguments
    default-mode: TOTAL
    # Allow item drop while vanished
    item-drop: true
    # Allow item pickup while vanished
    item-pickup: true
    # When true, you can't take damage while vanished
    invincible: false
    # Allow giving damage while vanished
    damage: true
    # Allow placing blocks while vanished
    block-place: true
    # Allow breaking blocks while vanished
    block-break: true
    # Allow opening a chest normally
    normal-chest-opening: true
    # Allow interacting with a chest that has been normally opened
    normal-chest-interaction: true
    # Allow opening a chest silently
    silent-chest-opening: false
    # Allow interacting with a chest that has been silently opened
    silent-chest-interaction: false
    # Will give players night vision while vanished in TOTAL or PLAYER mode.
    night-vision: false
    # Enable to add join leave message in chat when a player gets vanished.
    join-leave-message-enabled: true
    # List all the items which the player should not be able to interact with
        - '*PRESSURE_PLATE'
        - '*TRIP*'



/vanish <type> <player> <enable|disable>

/vanish /vanish LIST /vanish LIST garagepoort enable

Vanish types




Vanished the player only in the tab list


Vanished the player in-game but keeps his name in the tab list


Vanished the player in-game and in the tab list

Join/leave message

The join and leave message can be configured inside the lang_*.yml file

vanish-join-message: "&e%player% joined the game"
vanish-leave-message: "&e%player% left the game"

Last updated

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