General Configuration

# The name of the server. This can be anything you want but it must be unique and once chosen it shouldn't change anymore.
server-name: "MyUniqueServerName"
# The name of the main world. Meaning the world folder name which contains the player data files.
main-world: "world"
# The format in which all dates will be displayed inside the GUIs.
# All Java date time formats can be used
timestamp-format: 'dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss'

# The language file that will be referred to for messages.
# Current available languages are: lang_en, lang_sv, lang_de, lang_nl, lang_es, lang_hr, lang_no, and lang_fr.
# If you would like to translate Staff++, please message me on Spigot!
lang: "lang_en"

# Chooses the authentication provider. Default "noop", no authentication will be done.
# AuthMe is supported. When the provider is authMe, Staff++ will enforce that the user is authenticated through AuthMe before being able to execute the commands.
    provider: noop

# Commands that staff will not be allowed to use at all.
# Must have "permissions.block" permission to take effect.
# Leave blank to disable.
blocked-commands: "/example1, /example2, /example3"

# Commands that staff will not be allowed to use while in staff mode.
# Must have "permissions.block" permission to take effect.
# Leave blank to disable.
blocked-mode-commands: "/example1, /example2, /example3"

# The default color of glass for the side of GUIs. Just a cosmetic thing that staff members can change.
glass-color: 0

# The title of the glass color chooser GUI.
glass-title: "&bChoose GUI glass color"

# Enable offline player mode
# report-bypass & warn-bypass does not work for offline players
offline-players-mode: true


Search for the property: server-name inside the configuration file. The server name should be unique for this server. If you have a multi-server setup every server running Staff++ must configure this with a different name.

I recommend keeping the server-name property alphanumeric. Underscore, dashes and spaces can be used.


Search for the property: main-world inside the configuration file. This should be the name of the main world. Meaning the world folder name which contains the player data files. By default in Minecraft this is just the "world" folder. So if you have a regular setup just leave the default setting. If for some reason your world location folder has a different name, you can change it here.


Configure the way you want dates and times to be displayed inside the in-game GUI screen. You can use the java datetime format options. Examples:

Another plugin is overriding a staff++ command

It is possible that another plugin like 'essentialsx' might get priority over certain commands like the ban, tempban and unban command. To prevent this we suggest the same solution as is proposed by EssentialsX.

Configure your server aliases in such a way that the commands from Staff++ will always be used. This can be done by editing the commands.yml file and specifying your aliases there.

To enable Staff++ commands this would be done, for example, in this way:

    - "staffplusplus:ban $1-"
    - "staffplusplus:tempban $1-"
    - "staffplusplus:unban $1-"

More info on the bukkit wiki

Last updated